Sunday, June 21, 2009

Panzera Review

Panzera S.A.S is the firm that presents fireworks in the opening and/or closing ceremonies. They have been presenting for a very long time and continue to do so representing La Ronde and sometimes Italy. Panzera really brought me to my attention during the beginning of the display. All the amounts of color, effort and work put into the display is just amazing. I really enjoyed every minute of the half hour in that display. As for the finale, the buildup caused me to jump on my feet and cheer wildly. The theme of Pirates of the Carribean was being played as the last song for the display. Many buildups were in this display. And during that finale, the pace increased and then decreased and the increased with salute terminated shells mixed with barrages of salutes mixed with larger shells and roman candles and cakes. At the very end, dozens of volleys of small but loud salutes were fired mixed with powerful red shells and white larger shells. It was defenitley a great disply, too bad it was the opening, which I find odd for Panzera to do, usually they display at the closing.

Here is videos of what an average Panzera finale looks like (1st video is finale, 2nd is volley of salutes and shells)

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